We have been blessed with a truly magnificent sanctuary. It is only right that equally exquisite music goes in it.
Westminster believes “they that sing pray twice.” With this in mind, we are dedicated to bringing enriching music to our church and the wider community. Since 1854, music has played an integral role in the worship life of Westminster, and Westminster has played a significant role in music and the arts in Buffalo. Today, we have two Aeolian-Skinner pipe organs, five Steinway grand pianos, six-octave handbell and hand chime sets, and choirs comprised of professionals and lay musicians from all walks of life. Come celebrate with us and bring your friends to share in the gift of music.

Westminster is well known for its broad tradition of choral music ministry. Its choirs offer a wide range of music, including plainchant, European continental masterworks, African-American spirituals, music of the Protestant and other American worship traditions, and premieres by living composers. 40 volunteer singers, 14 staff singers, youth choristers, and two organists provide choral music and vocal leadership for approximately 85 regularly scheduled worship services each year.
Our gifted and dedicated adult choirs help create meaningful worship, and our talented choristers lead special services and concert performances that bring a sense of fun and adventure. Choir members use their gifts to elevate the worship experience while building friendships that last a lifetime. If singing is your gift, joy, and passion, consider joining one of our choral groups!

The Westminster Choir is an auditioned group of adult volunteers and professional singers. The choir sings for the 10:30 AM service each Sunday and for special services as assigned throughout the liturgical year. In addition, the Westminster Choir presents sacred masterworks annually, most often with orchestra. The Westminster Choir has toured to the United Kingdom and Europe, most recently in July 2023, the choir traveled to Iceland and Wells Cathedral, England for a tour and residency.
The Westminster Choir rehearses Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Auditions are required. Contact Garrett Martin at gmartin@wpcbuffalo.org if you are interested in scheduling an audition.
The Westminster Schola is a highly skilled chamber choir of auditioned singers selected from the ranks of the Westminster Choir. They are called on as needed to provide choral leadership in special worship services throughout the year and when the Westminster Choir is on respite. Contact Garrett Martin at gmartin@wpcbuffalo.org to learn more.
Westminster Choir School
Children ages 4 to 18 may join one of three ensembles in the Westminster Choir School, based on their age and experience. Choristers pursue a professional-level course of musical training (Royal School of Church Music America) and play an important role in leading worship at Westminster. In addition to musical and faith training, choristers learn confidence, time management, and leadership. As with other extracurricular activities, participation in rehearsals and services must be a priority to the choristers and their families to ensure that they are able to get the most out of the program. Choristers are also eligible to participate in local, national, and international tours with Westminster’s adult choirs. For more information, please contact Garrett Martin at gmartin@wpcbuffalo.org.
Westminster Handbell Choir
The Westminster Handbell Choir plays at special services throughout the year, including Easter, Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols, and other special events. Due to busy schedules, handbell choir members work in seasons: those individuals who are available for the service dates and rehearsals play, and those who can’t serve as substitute players. Contact W. Steve Mayo at wsmayo3@msn.com to learn more.

Westminster is fortunate to house two Aeolian-Skinner organs and five Steinway grand pianos. Each instrument is featured regularly in worship, concerts, and education.
The Sanctuary Organ is the work of the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co. of Boston, Massachusetts. The company’s legendary designer, G. Donald Harrison, prepared the specification and signed the contract for the organ but died before the organ was completed in 1958. The instrument contains 84 ranks, five divisions in the gallery, and an echo division in the chancel. A four-manual console controls the nearly 5,200 pipes.
The Holmes Chapel Organ is regarded by some Aeolian-Skinner aficionados as one of the finest small organs ever built under the direction of G. Donald Harrison. The organ is a 25 rank, two-manual instrument with a floating positive division on the rear wall of the room.

The Westminster Choir
The Westminster Choir is an auditioned group of adult volunteers and professional singers. The choir sings for the 10:30 a.m. service each Sunday and for special services as assigned throughout the liturgical year. In addition, the Westminster Choir presents major sacred masterworks annually, most often with orchestra. The Westminster Choir has toured to the United Kingdom and Europe, most recently in July 2018, when it served as choir-in-residence at Truro Cathedral in England. In July 2020, the choir will go to Pittsburgh to sing services for Shadyside Presbyterian and will again be traveling to the UK in 2022 for a residency.
The Westminster Choir rehearses Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Auditions are required. Contact Garrett Martin at gmartin@wpcbuffalo.org if you are interested in scheduling an audition.
Westminster Schola
The Westminster Schola is a highly skilled chamber choir of auditioned singers selected from the ranks of the Westminster Choir. They are called on as needed to provide choral leadership in special worship services throughout the year and when the Westminster Choir is on respite. Contact Garrett Martin at gmartin@wpcbuffalo.org to learn more.
Westminster Choir School
[Client Note: Please provide the “brochure about choristers” info you referenced in the content outline. It should be added to the photo and assets folders we provided.}
Westminster Handbell Choir
The Westminster Handbells play on Easter at a special handbell concert called “Lessons and Carols” and during other special events throughout the year. Due to busy schedules, handbell choir members work in seasons: Those individuals who are available for the presentation dates and rehearsals play, and those who can’t serve as substitute players. Contact Garrett Martin at gmartin@wpcbuffalo.org to learn more.
[Client Note: In your notes in the content outline, you referenced adding contact info for WSM. Who is WSM? Please provide contact info.]
Westminster is fortunate to house two Aeolian-Skinner organs and five Steinway grand pianos. Each instrument is featured regularly in worship, concerts, and education.
The Sanctuary organ is the work of the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co. of Boston, Massachusetts. The company’s legendary designer G. Donald Harrison prepared the specification and signed the contract for the organ but died before the organ was completed in 1958. The instrument contains 84 ranks, five divisions in the gallery, and an echo division in the chancel. A four-manual console controls the nearly 5,200 pipes.
The Holmes Chapel instrument is regarded by some Aeolian-Skinner aficionados as one of the finest small organs ever built under the direction of G. Donald Harrison. The organ is a 25 rank, two-manual instrument with a floating positive division on the rear wall of the room.
[Client Note: Please provide the PDFs you would like associated with “The Sanctuary organ” and “The Holmes Chapel” above as well as any videos (titles and files) you would like embedded. They should be added to the photo and assets folders we provided.]
Westminster Presents
Westminster Presents brings world-class artists to Buffalo for services, concerts, and recitals. Unless otherwise noted, all concerts are free and take place in the Westminster Sanctuary. Donations of support are gratefully accepted to benefit the Westminster Friends of Music.
MAY 30, 7:30 PM
Robert Strauss, Interim ARTISTIC DIRECTOR
Join the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus in their final performance of their 2019-2020 season, titled BGMC:Evolution, as they prepare to perform at the GALA (Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses) Festival in Minneapolis-St. Paul this summer. You Are Proud marks the beginning of Pride Week in Buffalo and celebrates diversity in the LGBTQIA+ community and in Western New York. Westminster is proud to be a More Light Presbyterian Church, welcoming all to membership and full participation in our diverse ministries.
All of our free public music events are funded through the Westminster Friends of Music and the yearly operating budget of the church.
We invite you to join us in supporting the arts by donating to the Westminster Friends of Music. Through your generosity, we are able to bring nationally and internationally renowned artists to our church and city. It is an important way to keep the arts thriving and to help bring new music lovers and guests to this divine space.