Worship at Westminster

We are a loving, inclusive community. EVERYONE IS INVITED.

God has been worshipped here at Westminster though the prayers and praises of many generations. Worship at Westminster is decidedly formal but not stuffy. We believe worship of God is first and foremost an act of honoring the source of life and is to be conducted with dignity and respect while reflecting the warmth, creativity, and joy of the God we honor.

Read on to view our worship schedules and to learn more about our traditions.

Sunday Worship

8:15 AM

Worship (with Holy Communion) in the Holmes Chapel

10:30 AM

Worship in the Sanctuary. Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of the month. This service is also live streamed on our Facebook and YouTube.

Preaching Schedule

July 3
Fourth Sunday after pentecost

rev. Dr. Todd E. Leach

Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
A Shared Extravagance
July 10
Fifth Sunday after pentecost

Maine Mission Group

July 17
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Rev. Dr. Todd E. Leach

Luke 10:38-42
July 24
seventh sunday after pentecost

Rev. dr. todd e. Leach

Luke 11:1-13

Our Worship Traditions

We are blessed with an elegant and inspiring sanctuary. Modeled after the great cathedrals of Europe, it is meant to give worshippers a place to rest and recharge their souls. The soaring blue ceiling suggests the heavenly realm, and the biblical images depicted in the stained-glass windows were originally used to teach the stories of the Bible.

The worship bulletin is used to guide those attending through the service. Our service is like a drama that moves toward the sermon, which is based on weekly readings from the Bible. The prayers preceding and following the sermon prepare us to listen to the scripture and message, then to respond. Choral anthems and hymnody are chosen to lift the hearts of worshippers and reinforce the message in scripture and song.

The black robe and stole of the clergy depict their role as teacher. Similar robes were worn by teachers from the earliest universities in Europe. The stole draped over the shoulders is a reminder of the towel Jesus used to dry his disciples' feet after he washed them.

Portions of the service are sung by the choir, allowing the worshipper space to reflect and freedom to participate in a silent but direct way.

We gather each Sunday to listen, respond, and go into the world renewed in our trust that life and love is stronger than hate or death.

Archived Sermons & Bulletins

The church maintains an archive of sermons and worship bulletins, along with links to watch the live-streamed service on YouTube.